What is ACID principle in databases


What is ACID principle in databases

ACID principle is a set of four properties that ensure database transactions are processed reliably. These properties are Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

Atomicity refers to the idea that a database transaction must either be completed in its entirety or not at all. This means that if a database transaction has multiple steps, either all of those steps will be completed or none of them will be completed. This ensures that the database remains in a consistent state, even in the event of an error or failure.

Consistency refers to the idea that a database must always be in a valid state. This means that the data stored in the database must follow all of the rules and constraints set by the database schema. For example, if a table has a primary key column that must be unique, then no two rows in that table can have the same value for that column. If a database transaction attempts to insert a row that violates this constraint, the transaction will fail, preserving the consistency of the database.

Isolation refers to the idea that multiple database transactions can be processed concurrently without interference. This means that if two transactions are running at the same time, they will not affect each other's results. Isolation levels can be set on a database to control the level of isolation between transactions. For example, a higher isolation level will result in transactions being more isolated from each other, but may also result in slower performance.

Durability refers to the idea that once a database transaction has been committed, it will remain permanently in the database. This means that even if the database system crashes or shuts down, the transaction will still be persisted in the database once it is restarted. This ensures that the data in the database is reliable and can be trusted by the users.

ACID principle is important for database systems because it ensures that data is processed reliably and consistently. Without these properties, it would be difficult to trust the data stored in a database, as there would be a risk of data loss or corruption.

ACID principle is also important for maintaining the integrity of a database. For example, if a database transaction attempts to insert a row into a table that violates a constraint, the transaction will fail, preserving the integrity of the database.

However, ACID principle can also have some downsides. For example, implementing strict isolation levels can result in slower performance, as transactions have to wait for other transactions to complete before they can begin. Additionally, ACID principle can be difficult to implement in distributed systems, where multiple database servers are involved in processing transactions.

In conclusion, ACID principle is a set of four properties that ensure database transactions are processed reliably. These properties include Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. ACID principle is important for maintaining the integrity and reliability of a database, but can also have some downsides, such as slower performance and difficulty in implementation in distributed systems.

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